Sunday, March 20, 2011

Guide to Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy

!9# Guide to Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy

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Individual points

Bergamo is a beautiful city with a medieval village. It 's easy for Ryanair flights from Glasgow to reach
London, Paris, Girona, Brussels, Frankfurt, Hamburg and
Stockholm is an ideal holiday destination. L '
Airport near the city and can be reached by regular bus
costs about one euro. The historic walled city, reached by
Funicular, is well preserved. The Academia Carrera is
to be the bestArt collections in Italy. L '
Surrounding countryside is very beautiful, there are
Churches in many small villages with medieval frescoes and
Paintings. Nearby is Lake Iseo, is the largest lake
Island in Europe. Valpolcia and the famous Franciacorta
The wines are produced locally. To the north of the city are at the foot of the Alps
and Bremabana Valley.

History of Bergamo

Bergamo is a true story of two cities: Bergamo Alta, the
beautiful walledhilltop medieval city, and Bergamo Bassa,
the lower city, especially at the beginning of the 20th Century built
Century. Bergamo has long been recognized as
beautiful city. The 14th century Italian scholar, poet and
Humanist Francesco Petrarca remarked, "I will always
I remember the image of Bergamo, Italy in the Alps. "This
Praise is like Petrarch is regarded as one of the Italian
great scholar and a leading role in

Bargam, originally known as Barra, he should have said
Cydno founded by the son of the founder of Liguria
Family. The Etruscans in the city into a fortress
VI century BC. Its location made it ideal that he could see
across the plains below and the advances that put all his enemies.
Later that century the city was taken in Cenomani
Galli, who renamed Berghem ("city on a hill").

The spread of the Roman Empire causeda slight
Under the name only Bergomum and it was during this period
that the first walls were built in the city. The city was
dominated by the Franks and first Longobaords
for a free city in the 12th Century. But
several centuries from 1428 the Venetians dominated
Bergamo. This was a long period of social, political and
cultural richness. The walls were to be rebuilt in 16 Century
the Republic of Venice. During the FrenchRevolution
Bergamo was part of the French Republic Cisapine. After
Congress of Vienna the Austrians ruled until
Unification of Italy in 1859.

The heart of the old town is 15 century Old Town Square.
The main entrance is the door Sant'Agostoa, the walls
Extending for more than five kilometers and there are four
Objectives. The portico of the Palazzo della Ragione, which is
Piazza Vecchia, dates from the 12th Century. The potica
portPiazza del Duomo. Here is the church
Santa Maria also dating from the 12th Century. The Church
has an octagonal dome. There are still traces of
Original paintings of the "tree of life." Wood
Confessional was produced in 1705 by Andrea Fontani.

serious Bergamo Donizetti favorite genres is
Back of the church.
Gaetnao Donizetti was born in 1797, a little 'out of town
Walls, at the start of Borge Canale. He has produced morethen
seventy compositions "Elisir d'Amore" (1832) "Lucia di
Lammermoor "(1835). It is said that he was always
emotionally attached to Bergamo. The Donizetti Theatre,
named in his honor hosted an international piano festival.

Colleoni Chapel is another fine example of the Renaissance
Architecture. Bartolomeo Colleoni, born in Bergamo,
Order this as his tomb. The building was
finished in 1476th Colleoni is displayed on a golden
Horse. He isusually referred to as "Soldier of Fortune," a
less harsh description of mercenaries. This can
because it was a very respectable, revered as
although he changed sides, he never committed any
acts of treason or rape and executions in the defeated
Areas. His father was attacked and killed when
Bartolomeo was young, by the Duke of Milan. He spent
several years as a young man served in various armies. On
the age of 32 he enlisted in the armythe Republic of Venice.

He was also known for his agricultural work
Improvements to the country on the goods to him
as a reward by the Venetians.

The Venetian Lorenzo Lotto worked here in 1525. Lot
Work involved in the work of Bramante, Raphael and
Leonardi. Lorenzo Lotto in the past 12 years
Bergamo. Although originally from Venice, as he
Bergamo is his respect for his spiritual home
Earth approachReligion and faith. In 1525 he worked
the episode in the life of Mary in the Church of San Michele
al Pozzo Bianca. Several churches in Bergamo are adorned
his altarpieces. itineraries may be subject to a lottery
can be found here.

Accademia Carrara is one of the most important galleries
Italy. E 'was founded in 1796 by Count Carrara. Now
Houses more than 18,000 pieces, including works by
Botticelli, Raphael, Bellini and Donatello. There arealso
Works of foreign artists such as Rubens and Clouet.

The Academy is also the Bergamo Museum. There are
Paintings depicting the city from 15 to 19
Century. The Gallery of Modern Art is located nearby.

The Gruppo Guide Città di Bergamo, tel 035 249553 offer
Half day and full day trips. They have English, German,
Spanish and French leaders.

Where to eat in Bergamo

Da Vittorio, Viale Giovanni XX111 21, Tel: 035 218 060 th
This is along-established restaurant in the old town. A few
their specialty is oxtail tureen, pumpkin flowers in
Sauce and excellent seafood. This is a
unpretentious, family-run concern.

Lio Pellegrini, Via San Tommaso 47, tel 035 247813th
The restaurant is located in a sacristy in the 16th century, close
Accademia Carrara in the lower town, has a beautiful
Garden for the summer. They serve many types of
Pasta and some really temptingDessert.

Ol Giopì and Margi, Via Borgo Palazzo 27, tel 035 242 366
The popular restaurant is decorated in rustic style
and waitresses wear traditional costumes. They Havea
Good menu selection, a business lunch, a traditional meal
and three gourmet menu. The menus change every
Season. The restaurant is closed Sunday evening and

Osteria San Rocco, Via S Rocco, 11 Rancia, Tel 035 510 067
This restaurant is located inthe mountains, five miles from
Bergamo. You can use the menu on their website.

Day trips from Bergamo

Crespi d'Adda

This factory and village was in the late 19th Century building
Crespi family as an industrial utopia. The life of
The workers, their families and the community were planned
Order and harmony. In theory, that workers
would be more productive and content, and the producers
could make a healthy profit with a clearConsciousness. L '
Experiment ended in 1920, but in the country, now one of
UNESCO list of world cultural heritage, is still inhabited,
mainly by the descendants of the original village.
The factory is still operational and cotton fabrics.
The village is located about half an hour drive from Bergamo. You can
accessible by public transport, take bus Highways
Milan direction obtained by you at the bus stop and then Capriate
This is a 20 minute walkin the village.

Castle Grumello

This castle, which overlooks the village of Monte and Grumello
the surrounding vineyards. The parish church of the country
Dates form the 7th century. E 'in the heart of Valcalepio
Region. The castle has a long and bloody history. However,
In the 18th century, the castle was converted into a fine
Residence. The tower, the back door, Hall and Knight '
Cantina again from the original medievalFortress.

If you call in advance, you can telephone 035 442 0817 in a visit
the cellar and the castle. It will explain how the
The wine is made and taste the various wines. This costs
€ 8 per person. There is also a pleasant walk
through the vineyards to the crest of the "Colle Calvario".

Lake Iseo

The lesser known, smaller Lake Iseo is ideal for a day
Bergamo. You can find more information about the lake of my

If youhave a car you can drive around the lake in one day.
You can reach Iseo town by bus from Bergamo.
On Sunday some in 2004, 5, 9 and 19, there is
a trip from Bergamo to Lake Iseo. He regularly travels by train
from Bergamo to Palazzo, where you can choose the Blue Train
Sarnico. There are four options available when you arrive
lake, a lake visiting the island of Monte Isola.


The valley consists of severalsmall valleys.

The Val San Pellegrino Terme, San Pellegrino is best
known for its water. At the end of the 19th Century
San Pellegrino was the most visited places in the north
Italy. There were art nouveau hotels and a casino designed
Squadrelli by Romulus. The casino is now a conference and
Exhibition Centre.

The Val Serina has an unusual landscape for orobiche
Foothills with jagged white peaks. Armstrong mineral water
SpringsArmstrong's throat. At the top of the throat
Valley widens and there are some rare wild flowers. L '
Gromo Castle overlooks the River Serio is an intact 13 °
Century tower. To visit you must telephone the Posta Castle
Restaurant, tel 0346 41002nd

Cornello Tasso is a well-preserved medieval village. E '
was an inn station along the main shopping street. At the bottom
Part of the country is the market square with its arcades and
Merchants hostelsome still with the weapons of
Family rate.
The village was home to the family, said Tasso, are
the inventor of the Post. was the first mail
made on foot, after the service began using the horses
transit riders and then mail coaches. A private company
Couriers was formed of the Campania, which won
Mail contracts in the Republic of Venice and later
Century 15, the contracts of the Papal States andthe
Habsburg Empire.

Val Taleggio cheese and Bremer is the Valley is called,
as traditional cheeses are produced here. I formed is de courage
a rich and half cheese pasta cooked with a delicate fragrance
Aroma. In summer it is done in huts near
the high pastures. Taleggio is a soft rich
cheese made with cow's milk. One of
typical of the region is Polenta Taranga,
where the cheese is meltedin corn with butter

Val Fondra is located on the eastern side of the upper Brembo
Valley, traditionally the site of the old mines and forges.
The ski resort of San Simone and Foppolo in this valley.

The Museum of cribs, crib Museum, in
Brembo Tues Dalmine, with over 800 unique nativity
Ad. There is also an electronic crib for 80 square meters
Feet, with 17-minute show. In December
andJanuary will be on Sundays and public holidays form
9.00 to 12.00 and 14.00 to 19.00. The rest of the year is only
open Sundays from 14.00 to 18.00. The museum is to
ten kilometers from Bergamo.

Guide to Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy

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Friday, March 4, 2011

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